Saturday, June 05, 2010

Still Playing Around with Techniques

Hey guys, I'm still trying to keep this sitr updated. I have so much on my plate, albeit good stuff, but busy nonetheless.

I asked some other friends about the previous tech I was going for, but they weren't feeling it as well as I. Reason being because I was trying to start a whole different way, one of which I'm not even used to.

Noticing the fail and coming to conclusion that I will never most likely be able to truly PAINT digitally, I do know how to work Photoshop, and I can ACHIEVE the effect by using my existing style/technique. And I like it.  Without even really "painting". I wouldn't call this cheating, as it's work as well. It's just that I can't grasp painting and I have so much respect for people who can.

Well, I'm gonna keep trying things out.

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